
Hassle-Free Gardening: Easy Home-Grown Cactus

Last time, I discussed some plants you can keep at your office desk. One of my choices was cactus. It is a trendy plant. Everybody knows about it, and most people are crazy about having it. There are so many varieties of cactus. But today, I will discuss some cacti you can multiply in an indoor garden.

Remember that you need to be patient when seeing a beautiful cactus flower. Cactus flowers need time to bloom.

For beginners, it’s easy to grow and take care of. So, let’s dive in.

Golden Barrel Cactus:

Golden Barrel CactusGolden Barrel is my first choice because of its size and shape. Golden Barrel is easy to grow and easy to get. Golden Barrel is a magnificent colour that everyone loves.

In April, it starts to bloom flowers, but remember only sometimes. The flower will only appear at the top. Golden Barrel can live nearly 100 years. Imagine you have a plant that can live 100 years. Awesome.

As I said before, Golden Barrel only needs a little attention. You can water it infrequently, but keep it dry and ensure good drainage.

It loves direct sunlight. It is better to place it in a south or west-facing window or any place where sunlight is available.

Feather Cactus:

Feather CactusWho doesn’t like white downy plumage? Feather Cactus has an outer shell of plumage that protects it from the sun. Although it is a good-looking cactus, it needs less care to grow.

It needs water once a week because wet soil is not suitable for Feather Cactus. The outer shell protects it from the sun so that this cactus can tolerate hot sun.

It prefers to stay in a sunny location but is also okay in partial sunlight. Its lifespan is nearly 200 years and at least ten years. Imagine you have a plant at home that can live 200 years!

Moon Cactus:

Moon CactusThe moon is a very romantic symbol of love. So, Moon Cactus is also a love for gardeners. Moon Cactus is very unique and easy to take care of. As its name suggests, Moon Cactus doesn’t like direct sunlight. It is better to place it away from direct sunlight.

It is also an easy-to-care-for plant. Water it every 12 days, but if it still needs to dry out, wait for more days to water it. Moon Cactus has vibrant hot pink, orange, and even neon yellow colours.

Moon Cactus has a shorter lifespan. It can stay alive for one to three years, but with reasonable care, it can live up to five years.

Bishop’s Cap Cactus:

Bishop's Cap CactusBishop’s Cap is one of the low-maintenance cacti. Its unique shape makes it look cute in your indoor plant collection. It loves light but cannot tolerate too much direct sunlight.

Placing it near a south window or under a grow light is better. There is no need to water daily. Water it when it dries out, and ensure it has a sound drainage system.

Mature Bishop’s Cap can give you small pink blooms, but you must be patient. Bishop’s Cap is similar to the Moon Cactus. Its lifespan is around 4-5 years.

Bunny Ears Cactus:

Bunny Ears Cactus:If you like bunnies, you will surely like Bunny Ears Cactus. It looks charming and is a low-maintenance cactus. Bunny Ears like direct sunlight and need water every day. But remember, before watering, let the soil dry out.

Wet soil is not suitable for Bunny Ears Cactus. It prefers to get 5-6 hours of direct sunlight to grow faster. Bunny Ears Cactus is also a pet-friendly cactus.

But Bunny Ears is one of the slow-growing plants. It can bloom in early spring. Flower colours can be red and purple. But it rarely blooms with yellow cup-shaped flowers

Well, I listed my favourite five cacti to multiply at home. There are lots of varieties of cactus that you would love to read about.

For beginners, try these five options and start growing your indoor garden. Easy-to-care cacti can save your time and give a better plantation feel.

That’s it for today. Happy planting!