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Summer Pest Alert: Keep Your Plants Safe and Healthy

I have so many plants that make me cry. Do you wonder why plants make me cry? Well, when your plants are dying, all your hard work seems to be destroyed by some minor pest.

You will feel like crying, as do I. As plant lovers or gardeners, we should know about the pests that can hurt our lovely plants.

There are over 50 pests, but today, we will know the Five most common that can quickly destroy or eat your plants in summer.

Before jumping to the list, ensure you have enough patience to eliminate these pests. Pests cannot be removed within seconds or a day. It takes time.

Vine weevil larvae:

Vine weevil is the most common pest in summer and also for indoor gardens. It’s very dangerous because it eats plant roots eventually when we notice our plant almost dying.

Last time, I noticed a vine weevil when my plant was already wilting and ready to collapse. 

Vine weevil larvaeIt was too late to save my plants. So, try to pay close attention when your plants are weakening.

How it looks: It looks creamy white and has a brown head on top of its body. It can be up to 10mm long. It seems like a dull brown color and is most active at night.

Care: Inspect your plants when the vine is most active at night, or remove them from the pot and shake them onto white paper.

To get rid of these, buy and apply chemicals from the group of chemicals known as neonicotinoids. Or, if you want a biological solution, buy nematodes, but make sure you buy under the right conditions.


Aphids are the most common pests. They can hurt almost every plant indoors and outdoors. But they are not as harmful as vine weevils. Plants will not die but also won’t grow as you expected.
If aphids attract your plants, leaves will be curled and twisted. And the healthy plant will look like a poorly growing plant.Aphids

How they look: Aphids are up to 4mm long. They have a soft body and look like a pear shape. They are coloured in shades of grey, brown, red, yellow, green, and black.

Care: More than 250 types of aphids can hurt plants, especially crops and ornamental plants. When you see aphids hurting your plants, the best way to get rid of them is to spray water regularly. Spray them off with a heavy stream of water.

On the other hand, you may use Insecticidal Soaps and Horticultural Oil to kill them. But make sure you spray the oil when you have a lot of aphids because aphids overgrow. Put your plants in a place where you have enough sunlight.

Scale bugs: 

Scale bugs are among the most common pests in indoor and outdoor gardens. They harm our plants by sucking up the plant juices and making them dry like dead. Some scale bugs support the growth of fungal diseases like sooty mold. They also attract ants.Scale Bug

How they look: There are two types of scale bugs – armoured and soft-shelled. Armoured scale bugs are more minor and very hard.

Typically, they attract outdoor gardens more than indoor plants. And they are challenging to get rid of.

But they won’t produce any fungal diseases like sooty mold. Soft-shelled scale bugs attract indoor plants. They are larger and make one or two generations in a year. They also increase fungal diseases like sooty mold.

Care: To remove these scale bugs, use soapy water to kill them or wipe down the leaves. It’s better to cut down the heavily infested branches. Do not compost affected branches.

If you don’t want to cut the branches, use neem oil to reduce them. You may use chemical control, but organic methods are better than chemical ones.

White flies: 

White flies are widespread pests in indoor gardens. They are sap-sucking pests that are commonly found under the leaves. They often cause damage to plant leaves. Leaves turn yellow, damaging plant growth, and eventually, leaves may wither and drop off.Whites Files

How they look: They are similar to aphids. They suck up the plant’s juice and produce a sticky substance known as honeydew. They will grow under the leaves, especially around the veins. They look like tiny flies.

Care: There are various solutions to get rid of them. Spray insecticidal soap on your plant leaves. Consider spraying in the evening. Spraying at mid-day or in heavy sunlight can harm your plants and cause a different reaction.

Or you may set out yellow index colon cards coated with petroleum jelly. The yellow hue resembles a profusion of just planted greenery to white -flies.

Red Spider: 

Red spider is a common pest of indoor and agricultural plants. It will harm plants in various ways. Some red spiders are even green, yellow, or orange.

If a red spider attracts your plants, plant leaves will fall off or be destroyed. It mainly causes defoliation to your spider

How it looks: It looks like a spider but in red colour. Some red spiders are even green, yellow, or orange. It takes time to grow, almost three weeks. It’s very tiny but dangerous to your plants.

Care: Use organic sprays such as natural pyrethrum or plant oil to eliminate red spiders. But spray in the evening. Mid-day or heavy sunlight will create different reactions.

Well, these are the common pests that can easily attract your plant. Watering all over the plant helps to reduce pest attraction.

I first use an organic spray to prevent it; then, if it is not controlled, I go for chemical control.

Pay close attention to your plants. If you see any unusual changes, look for pests hurting your plants.

We must get rid of pests partially. They will come back, and it’s natural. Care for your plants as much as you can. Watering is the best solution to grow a happy garden.

That’s all for today; happy planting.