It feels different when you walk into a room full of bright flowers. These natural beauties do more than bring fresh air into a room. They bring life, bright colors, and energy that can make the whole room feel different. ...
Surely, we all love striking plants and pathos to make our indoor space colourful. But what about small size cactus? Cacti can be a beautiful addition to your lovely place. I love cacti, and I suggest that my friend, who ...
I’ll be honest with you, when I started gardening, I always wanted to have plants that don’t need sunlight. Plants that requires no sunlight. Gardening wasn’t easy for me at first. Plants need care to grow happily. I chose some ...
Are you starting on your indoor garden? If yes, there is a chance that you didn’t have many tools like me when I started. I remember not having a single watering can; I used to water my plants using my ...
Back in 2020, most people focused on gardening during the lockdown. When the world shut down, people were bored staying home and felt a shortage of fresh produce. Besides that, many people, like my friend Tasu, have set up their ...
Last time, I discussed some plants you can keep at your office desk. One of my choices was cactus. It is a trendy plant. Everybody knows about it, and most people are crazy about having it. There are so many ...
Hello to working people and those who love gardening. One of my friends, Jose, shared his pain with me last week. He loves plants, but because of his work schedule, he cannot care for his garden. Working full-time and taking ...
Being a gardener is always challenging. I always look for unique or rare plants to have in my garden. Having a rare piece is a satisfaction. Gardeners will understand how rare pieces make us happy. I decided to share five ...
I have so many plants that make me cry. Do you wonder why plants make me cry? Well, when your plants are dying, all your hard work seems to be destroyed by some minor pest. You will feel like crying, ...
Overwatering can damage plant roots. I have heard many stories since I started gardening. Gardening requires time and effort to achieve a great interface. Well, overwatering is not good for anything. Overwatering and over-fertilizing can damage all your efforts. After ...
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